An age old
question within the Christian community is “what defiles the marriage bed?”. In
this blog, I seek to answer that question and shed some light from a biblical
perspective on what I believe that actually means. Now, I will base this on my
understanding of scripture but I ask you to challenge me and open up dialogue
if your interpretation of the scripture deviates from mine.
To full
understand this, we need to look at marriage in its original form. I love the
wedding ceremony, the wedding reception, the wedding cake, the speeches and all
that other good stuff that we have brought into the modern idea of marriage but
these things are the niceties. They are the trimmings, the side dish, the
complementary elements to a marriage. In fact, I will go as far as to say that
in modern society we put so much more emphasis on the wedding day than the
actual marriage itself.
Marriage in
its original form is a covenant, a contract between two families (I will simplify
this later) that binds a couple together.
From the
research I have been conducting on the marriages of old, I can see that it
consisted of three parts.
- The marriage contract
- The act of marriage (consummation)
- The wedding feast
In the days
of old, there was no such thing as a marriage certificate, but the bible tells
us that people were given and taken in marriage. As early as Genesis 2 we are
told “this explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his
wife, and the two are united into one”.
earliest account of a marriage certificate I can find is 1837 in England when
civil registration was introduced to provide a central record of all births,
deaths and marriages.
This was
obviously not the beginning of the institution of marriage, rather a system to
track and record all marriages that they may be legalized in accordance to the
law of the land in which they took place.
The first
clear record we have of the ancient marriage is that of Isaac to Rebekah. The
first part, the marriage contract, took place when Abrahams servant found
Rebekah, put the gave her the gold ring for her nose and bracelets for her
wrists and went to explain to her family what had happened. During this
conversation, a verbal agreement was made that the Rebekah would be given to
Isaac as his wife. The agreement was sealed with the giving of expensive gifts
to her family.
The second
part, the act of marriage, took place when Rebekah returned with Abrahams
servant to Negev. In Genesis 24:67 it says that “and Isaac brought Rebekah into
his mother Sarah’s tent, and she became his wife. He loved her deeply, and she
was a special comfort to him after the death of his mother”.
there is no recording of the wedding feast for Rebekah and Isaac, it was
customary and what was culturally done.
I apologize
for the long introduction but I wanted to drive home that what we consider
marriage to be today is different to what the bible considers marriage to be.
We have trivialized the most important part of these 3 steps, we have made it
cheap and use it to sell products and whatever else we can. We have allowed our
youth to be sold a lie that it can happen with no strings attached and it can
be done with whoever you want whenever you want as long as they consent. Let me
clear this up and state that all we have come to know is a lie. Sex,
intercourse, bumping uglies or whatever you want to call it, is the act of
marriage and it is a sacred act. It is not something that should be entered
into lightly and it should not be something that is trivialized.
So back to
the topic of this blog, what defiles the marriage bed? Well if we are
considering sex as the act of marriage, where sex is an act where a covenant
(contract) between the two participants and God is sealed through the shedding
of blood (breaking of the hymen), then we are asking what act can defile this.
I am of the opinion that the only act that can defile the act of marriage is an
act that defiles that covenant. When you enter into a marriage 2 individuals
have joined together to become one and then that one is united with God. A perfect
union between two parties who have become one flesh and a triune God, a perfect
How does
one defile this covenant? Well one does not defile the covenant by what the
individuals do with their bodies (consensually), because we are told in 1 Corinthians
7:4 “the wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband
gives authority over his body to his wife”. What I infer from this is that what
a husband and wife choose to do consensually with their bodies is between the
two of them as they have given each other authority over their bodies. So this
throws out the notion that sexual acts such as oral sex, anal sex or any other
sexual act between a consenting husband and wife can defile the marriage bed.
When we look at the songs of Solomon we see the use of language such as “I sit
in his delightful shade and taste his delicious fruit” (Songs of Solomon 2:3) or
“Your thighs shelter a paradise of pomegranates with rare spices – henna with
nard, nard and saffron, fragrant calamus and cinnamon, with all the trees of
frankincense, myrrh, and aloes, and every other lovely spice. You are a garden
fountain, a well of fresh water streaming down from Lebanon’s mountains. Awake,
north wind! Rise up, south wind! Blow on my garden and spread its fragrance all
around. Come into your garden, my love; taste its finest fruits” (Songs of
Solomon 4:13 – 16).
God has
designed the act of marriage for our pleasure, not just for procreation. If
that were its sole purpose then you may as well close up shop once you have
however many children you plan on having. You may as well class yourselves as
roommates and ask Sheldon Cooper for a copy of his roommate agreement.
Read the
songs of Solomon and see how Solomon and his lover explored and enjoyed each
other’s bodies. Their passion was unrivalled; just read this part, “I caught
and held him tightly, then I brought him to my mother’s house, into my mother’s
bed, where I had been conceived” (Songs of Solomon 3:4). As they say today,
they were getting it in! I don’t know about you but I don’t think passion has
ever over taken me so much that I would take my wife into my mother and fathers
bed. I may be a freak but I am not stupid!
Song of
Solomon tells us an amazing love story, with deep sexual intimacy, passion and
lust for each other. I doubt they left much to the imagination when they were
intimate so that to me says that there is no act that a husband and wife can
commit with their bodies that defiles the covenant. So what it is?
Well, when
we are in breach of contract what does it mean? It means we have broken the
terms of our agreement. We have gone outside the rules we stipulated when we
made our agreement. So when we defile our covenant with God (our contract with
God) we do this by going outside of our agreement of the marriage contract.
The bible
tells us in Deuteronomy 4:23 “So be careful not to break the covenant the Lord
your God has made with you. Do not make idols of any shape or form, for the Lord
your God has forbidden this. The Lord your God is a devouring fire; he is a
jealous God”.
You see the
act of marriage is an act of worship unto God. I can just picture the faces of
the men as the read this now, making a mental note of just that part so they
can use it over and over again… “Baby, let’s go upstairs and worship the Lord
together”. Anyway, as I was saying, it is an act of worship onto God. When we
engage in sex we remind God of our covenant that we made when we took our vows,
we remind him that we joined ourselves with him and invited him into our united
lives to live and walk with us together as one. In the scripture above it is
reminding the Israelites not to take up idols in place of God. In the next
chapter we get the 10 commandments and commandment number 1 is “you will have
no other god but me”. You see if the Israelites took on another god, they would
be in breach of their covenant (contract) because they have invited another
individual in to unlawfully substitute in for God. My friends the one act that
defiles and breaks our covenant with God is an act where we willfully invite a
3rd party into our covenant with God. We break the perfect union God
has created to make an uneven union. To spell it out, the acts that I believe
defile the marriage bed are:
· Adultery
· Threesomes
· Bestiality
· Any act that brings another party
into the act of marriage
In the 10
commandments the only commandments relating to marriage that God gave was “you
must not commit adultery” and “you must not covet your neighbor’s wife”. In
essence God is saying to the husband and wife, go ahead and enjoy each other to
the fullest but by no means break your agreement with each other or me by
engaging in the act of marriage with anyone else.
God desires
worship from us, so God wants us to enjoy each other and make beautiful worship
with our bodies in the act of marriage. I implore you love each other, make
love to each other, worship God with your bodies and most of all enjoy each
other to the fullest, but all within the confines of your covenant with our
holy God.
Let no man
or woman come between you and your covenant with God. Let no man or woman tell
you what is permissible within the four walls of your home and within your act
of marriage; that is between you and God.
God bless
you all.
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